This programme is for when you've unlocked your device, installed a couple of other GPS applications and just want an easy way to choose between them and add a few basic PDA features to your device.
Latest version.
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Archive size 14.5MB -> Extracted size 35.1MB.
Passwords: navitotal
To upgrade from a previous version...
Backup your settings using the option in Advanced settings.
Manually backup any user added content in UserApps and UserData.
Exit Universal Shell.
Delete the existing Universal Shell folder and replace with the updated version and add any custom content back to their respective folders then reboot your device.
The backup will be detected and you will be asked if you want to import it, This takes a few moments and Universal Shell will start automatically with all your previous settings, Any new options will be set to their defaults.
Supported resolutions: 320x240, 400x240, 480x234, 480x272, 480x320, 640x480, 800x480, 800x600
Supported OS: WinCE 4.2/5/6
Copy the Universal Shell directory to your device (A SD card is recommended) and set your device to run Start.exe
There is a small MobileNavigator app included that you can use to start Universal Shell if your device looks for a specific executable on the device after booting.
As is common with all SystemInformation unlocks the main screen may be hidden behind all other windows/shells, There is a file within the UserData directory called BootAutorun.mscr where you can place device specific MortScript instructions to kill original device shells, etc, Universal Shell can be set to rerun the original shell on exit.
When launched there is some disclaimer messages and then you will need to setup your GPS applications and some other preferences before the shell starts, These are all saved so you only need to do them once, You can adjust these settings and more from the settings screen within the programme.

Screenshots from 800x480.
PIN lock of device and settings
Remembers all it's settings even after a hard reset.
Skinable (Four skins included, Very easy to make your own.)
Startup/shutdown sounds.
No editing of ini files, all settings and paths to apps are changed from within the programme.
Ability to add custom mortscript instructions without editing the main script.
Includes common tools, utilities and applications.
MP3/Video player.
Image viewer.
File explorer with optional registry explorer/editor.
Notepad which automatically opens the selected SIP.
Speaking Clock with hourly chime
Automatic clock screen saver.
Can run any number of applications contained within the UserApps folder.
Task Manager.
Reminder alarm with customizable sound and message.
Can suspend the device shortly after loss of external power.
In order to make this work on every device some files are copied to the windows directory and some registry entries are created but NOTHING except the time zone information (Which is harmless if it goes wrong) is edited or changed.
Universal Shell can remove all these itself by using the uninstall option.
More detailed information is available in the included readme text file.
Please feel free to leave feedback good or bad.
Enjoy and don't forget to say thanks.