Problem with Becker Z109   

Problem with Becker Z109

Postby pandapower » Fri Jul 06, 2012 6:28 am


My uncle has a Becker/Harman Z109. He tried to update the maps. the problem now is. all data on the device is gone. i can access the internal drive when i connect it to USB. but nothing i put on there will boot the device.

what software can i put on there? is it possible to install normal tomtom? no pda version?

or what software do you recommend? and how do i get it working?

as i said. it is empty now. but i can access the drive.

it only gives a flash screen of becker when i turn it on. even when i leave it for 30 minutes.

Please help!!

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Postby nabi » Fri Jul 06, 2012 6:40 am

When you connect the device, what do you see?

I am asking because there could be a simple remedy and run Primo (or iGO) software (you can find it in the iGO section).

When you still have folder called "MNAV" (When the MNAV folder is missing, try creating it), copy the Primo or iGO software in that folder.
Rename Primo.exe or iGO.exe to Shell.exe.
This advise is valuable for a Z101, I do not know the difference between the Z101 and Z109. Becker has some differences in their devices and often one needs to unlock or 'pimp' it
Also I did not test this, but you have nothing to loose ;)
Success !!!!

BTW, we have a becker subforum
Possibly you find useful info there too.
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Postby Yurbuh Tuggly » Fri Jul 06, 2012 6:41 am

Is this kinda what happened?
Hi all,
I have a Becker Z109 I wanted to do an update, but I did everything that was deleted in the Navi in ​​there ..
brief description of how it happened:
after the connection to your laptop via USB cable came with a message and check and repair (recommended) I clicked on it and bang it all away,
I can not make a backup before that, my navigator by Contant Manager is not found, since nothing inside any folders or files.
happens to someone the same navigation system so that I can copy the data on it,
Becker said it would cost me 50 euros if I send it in and play the chicke engineer an operating system that guarantee no longer exists hope I can help many thanks to a

That's not good.
I think you may have to search for a 'full install' of the original Becker software for your exact device.
Start here:
But that's just my opinion..I could be wrong.
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Postby pandapower » Sun Jul 08, 2012 8:14 pm

yes. this is the same problem. but i have nothing left on the device. tried to install iGo 8.3 but nothing.

the Becker flash screen keeps comming. and staying. it does not respond. tried allot of different programs. tried to put it in the root. renaming the igo file to shell. renaming different programs to shell. nothing helps.

is it possible to flash it to run tomtom? how do i turn this brick that gives light... into a navigation system again?
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Postby pandapower » Sun Jul 08, 2012 8:18 pm

i put igo 8.3 in root. renamed it to autorun. now the device turns off much faster. strange...
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Postby nabi » Sun Jul 08, 2012 8:40 pm

What about the MNAV folder? Tried to install iGO in it or not?
An then just renaming random files what were left to shell.exe? Did you give the old name back too?
Was there a shell.exe on the device?

The way I see it now, you can try this :
Or try Miopocket :
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Postby pandapower » Tue Jul 10, 2012 6:29 am

as far as i can see it is not a windows based device any more because there is nothing on it.

tried to put programs in the MNAV folder i created. renaming only the program files to shell.exe
not all files. i keep getting the becker flash screen with their logo in front. when i connect the USB cable i see a USB cable on screen and an arrow around it turning. it never stops turning. even when there is no data going trough.

aint there a way to flash the whole thing to tomtom or something? tried some registry programs from here. putting it on the flash drive. but nothing boots.

any idea how to get it running again?

the miopocket depends on a windows device. but it has nothing on it. it does not run yet. so it wont boot anything.

cant find a full install on the becker forum or anywhere else on the net. that is why i am asking here... this is the best site. so if no one here knows how. i dont think it is possible.
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Postby Fatboyfun » Tue Jul 10, 2012 7:09 am

My thoughts on this are...

After the device has booted it looks for a specific exe file, if this doesn't exist it just sits on the Becker boot screen

When this file is found it is loaded, as nabi said on the z101 this file can be found at mnav\shell.exe, possibly on the z109 it's different.

A common mistake is having known file extensions hidden on the PC, so when you rename the file you end up with two extensions, shell.exe.exe

In this situation nothing will happen when the device is booted.
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Postby Yurbuh Tuggly » Tue Jul 10, 2012 7:29 am

pandapower wrote:as far as i can see it is not a windows based device any more because there is nothing on it.

The 'Windows' area on the device is often protected and hidden. It is not unusual not to see it, and almost impossible to erase by accident. If there was no longer an operating system, you would probably see nothing on the screen and it would truly be bricked. This is not your situation.
pandapower wrote:aint there a way to flash the whole thing to tomtom or something?

No. You don't 'flash' navigation software.
Take Fatboyfun's thoughts into consideration....the device is looking for a particular (named) file and not finding it, therefore it is stuck.
But that's just my opinion..I could be wrong.
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Postby nabi » Tue Jul 10, 2012 7:43 am

pandapower wrote:as far as i can see it is not a windows based device any more because there is nothing on it.

Hmm, Windows is (should be) in ROM, and maybe you won't see all hidden files or can't access ROM. So ...
Did you enable the possibility to see all hidden files?

Suppose you are correct. When your uncle wiped the Z109 too clean ... Maybe he formatted the device? That being the RAM.
The Windows in ROM deleted? Doubtful. I think Windows is managed by Becker to look for a certain file, it can't find it and freezes. At this point it is guessing what file. A shell.exe most likely, but located where?

Just an idea, talking about shell.exe, what about autorun.exe?
2 possibilities:
1. Miopocket has a MioAutorun.exe file, right? Copy MioAutoRun.exe, MioAutoRun.mscr and MortScript.exe to the root of your SD card, then rename MioAutoRun.exe to AutoRun.exe and MioAutoRun.mscr to AutoRun.mscr.
or 2. Maybe on the device there never was a shell.exe, but a autorun.exe?

pandapower wrote:aint there a way to flash the whole thing to tomtom or something?

When one solution won't help, the other one (TomTom) won't either. Besides, TomTom isn't the brightest idea on WinCE devices.

pandapower wrote:tried some registry programs from here. putting it on the flash drive. but nothing boots.

Can you be more precise?

pandapower wrote:any idea how to get it running again?
the miopocket depends on a windows device. but it has nothing on it. it does not run yet. so it wont boot anything.

When Miopocket doesn't boot, it must be searching for a certain file to start up (shell.exe?) which must be missing.
I was hoping Miopocket could bypass that and install its desktop.
Or maybe MioPocket just can't find the Becker?

pandapower wrote:cant find a full install on the becker forum or anywhere else on the net. that is why i am asking here... this is the best site. so if no one here knows how. i dont think it is possible.

Thank you for the praise! We appreciate this! Really!

Not give up so fast.
I wonder if there is really nothing left on the device. Maybe a hidden directory? When you could perform a hard reset (when you don't know how, drain the battery), chances are the device is restored in original state.

And Becker offers this tool:
[Please Register or Login to download file]
(Should be on the Becker CD/DVD that was with the device) This program manages the contents of the Z109, creates backups (!), loads map data as well as software updates onto your system. It's possible that it can restore the PND but likely only from a backup.
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Postby pandapower » Tue Jul 10, 2012 9:45 am

will try renaming multiple files. saw a post of the other guy having problems. he had a file names autoexec on it. tried that too.. will try to recreate folders like ha had on his Z109. hope that will work.
the software that came with the device wont see the device. it keeps giving me an order to turn it on. windows sees it. but it will not register in backer software. it uses the same connection as my windows phone. i guess.. no windows booted so no connection through this type of connection.

there are no files on it. my explorer is set to show hidden files and do not remove extensions. the shell.exe.exe should not occur.

the RAM cleaned but not the windows ROM makes sense. it has a splash screen. will go for miopocket again. throwing the files everywhere this time :D

tnx. will keep you informed.
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Postby nabi » Tue Jul 10, 2012 10:06 am

Please do.
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Postby pandapower » Fri Jul 13, 2012 10:10 am

downloaded mio. renamed the MioAutoRun.exe into Autorun.exe and the mcsr file. tried it in the MNAV folder. tried it in root. renames the autorun to shell.exe didn't do anything.

found somewhere that there was a ini file in the root. tried to create is and link to the Shell.exe in the MNAV folder.

still nothing. any one an idea?
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Postby nabi » Fri Jul 13, 2012 10:34 am

When Fatboyfun doesn't see a solution, our only hope could be someone who can say what files exactly are on a Z109 and possibly upload his.
But I am still thinking and searching for a solution.

Anyway. What I found out so far:
There should be 3 folders on your device: CLM, IGO8 and NNGSTART. Possibly a 4th one (GAMES)

What's in CLM, I do not know.
In IGO8 of course is iGO
In NNGSTART is NNGStart.exe and maybe some other files.

Possibly (the case with Z107) in root there is an autorun.exe. (and autorun.txt and PL_Log.bin)

Which brings up :

pandapower wrote:i put igo 8.3 in root. renamed it to autorun. now the device turns off much faster. strange...

Where did you get this iGO? Maybe that the device turns off faster now means this solution does work, but iGO fails to run because of the license.
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Postby chas521 » Fri Jul 13, 2012 11:45 am

CLM folder - It is supposed to accelerate the time needed to get a fix.
If it ain't broke don't fix it!

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