How to unlock a noname Chinese GPS unit, running Wince 4.2   

How to unlock a noname Chinese GPS unit, running Wince 4.2

Postby georgi25 » Thu May 16, 2013 5:09 pm

Hi folks,
I cannot seam to find a way to unlock this unit of mine. I boots to its default shell, as can be seen at the photos I took.
I looked inside the Windows folder, for editable files, but cannot find anything that is pointing the device to run the default boot shell.
Is there any way to unlock this device and show the desktop of Wince, I need this so I can install some other GPS app on a SD Card.
The unit came without SD Card.
Thank you in advance.54115412541354145415
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Postby georgi25 » Thu May 16, 2013 5:11 pm

Also, here are the screenshots of the folder structure inside.
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Postby nabi » Thu May 16, 2013 6:09 pm

Sorry but the screenshots of the folder structure seem to small for my eyes. I can't make anything of it. Though a menu must be part of it.

As for the unlock, I think you should investigate the settings menu (the one with the gear, bottom right). You might end up with a way of setting a path to a program on SD, started with the upper left button, and that program can be anything, from a menu, an GPS program, TotalCommanderCE (which is a file explorer), ....
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Postby georgi25 » Fri May 17, 2013 9:41 am

nabi wrote:Sorry but the screenshots of the folder structure seem to small for my eyes. I can't make anything of it. Though a menu must be part of it.

As for the unlock, I think you should investigate the settings menu (the one with the gear, bottom right). You might end up with a way of setting a path to a program on SD, started with the upper left button, and that program can be anything, from a menu, an GPS program, TotalCommanderCE (which is a file explorer), ....

There is nothing at the Settings menu, only battery charge level, brightness setting, and those sort of stuff.
Also in the folder structure there is nothing like Menu, also I checked all the other editable files, there is not even one that has some kind of path that can be changed.
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Postby nabi » Fri May 17, 2013 9:50 am

When you press the map button, what happens, you get a message?
Can you post bigger images of the file structure?
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Postby georgi25 » Fri May 17, 2013 11:18 am

nabi wrote:When you press the map button, what happens, you get a message?
Can you post bigger images of the file structure?

Nothing happens, I tried holding it also, I tried holding all 4 buttons, and even tried some combinations, no go.
I will try to post the screenshots again.54235424
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