I decided to make an SD Unlock version of the above unlock. This way people that still like to have the unlock on the SD card can have this unlock as well. Just unrar and copy to your SD card. There is also instructions on how to use both TeleAtlas and Navteq maps in the same version of Igo8. If you do not want to do this then I will post directions on how to change this feature for people that only want to use one set of maps.... the directions will be posted below the link:
caam14 wrote:@chas521
Tanks for the answer, the name of the unlock is "Just MioMap and Igo8 SD-Free Unlock".
If you know were I can find it I'll be very grateful.
Best regards.
7omly wrote:Foehn and Hirsch N30
7omly wrote:NDrive Touch XL
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