New member here. Hi. My name is Jan. Looking for stuff related to navigation software. And as I am a doityourself guy, I like to have hard- and software where there is a measure of control available. Rigged all my smartphones, PDA's, and only buy good software after testing and using it.
I am Dutch and use the nav stuff for coach trips across Europe. Came in search of ready to go anwsers .... ofcourse. We all want these quick fixes ..... guess not.

Have been roaming, hosting and modding forums for the last 20 years. Know phpBB software really well.
As to add the introduction with a question, where to put my question; what is, in your view a good solid set for navigating Europe with a coach/bus. Some stuff I think I want:
- big screen
- live traffic updates
- pc planning software
- poi
- route planning (so not just A to B, but via CDEFGH etc)
And a question like how to judge DAB+ traffic info to data 3/4G traffic info.
Looking forward to the input.
Thanks in advance.
Cheers, jan.