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How to use Easyusetools

Mon May 17, 2010 5:22 pm

1. [color="Blue"]Download and unpack it[/color] ( e.g. with [Please Register or Login to download file] )
2. You will find a folder "insert_meta_in_here"
3. Copy the ***.meta-file of your map folder into this folder #2
4. You will also find a file called "deviceID.txt". Open it and copy the unique deviceID of your tomtom-Version into that file without space. You find your deviceID in the file "ttnavigator.bif" (PDA) or "ttgo.bif" (PNA)
5. You will find a folder "Progs". In this folder is a file called "meta.txt". In this must be written down the blowfish code of your map. Mostly this is already done. So you can ignore this step.
6. Now execute the file "runmefordct.bat". A DOS-Window should open. Read the messages and follow them. (You surely need option 1 twice.)
7. You get an "error" or "success" message.
8. Now in folder "insert_meta_from_here" you will find a new .dct-file. Copy this into your map folder.
9. TomTom-Map should work now.

10. PNA users must copy file "ttsystem" or "PNDNAVIGATOR" also into this folder.

11*. Same way to activate speedcams or TTHOME. Just put the speedcam-files or "TTHOME-.dll" in folder "insert_meta_from_here" & check if the meta.txt is correct.
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