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SONY nav-u53G - screen calibration issue

Wed Oct 09, 2013 8:45 am


have Sony nav-u53g.
bottom of the screen is not working - looks like screen has to be recalibrated
I can`t do that from main menu as options are on this part where screen wont work

Any trick to recalibrate the screen ?

thx in advance

Wed Oct 09, 2013 11:14 am

Several ways...

1, there is a little tool that starts the screen calibration.
2, start \Windows\control.exe and start the screen calibration from the screen applet
3, run a little mortscript that simulates screen taps in the areas that start screen calibration the official way.

However, you may find it's a faulty digitizer if one half of the screen is working normally, and the other half is unresponsive.
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