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Com port issues and CEregeditor

Tue May 15, 2012 9:50 pm

I have succesfully installed memory map on my new gps device, it is running windows ce so had lots of issues installing it. I do have one problem though to do with the com port, basically it is set to open on com6 when i load the file but it wont work, i have changed it through CEregedit to com7 and works perfect, when i turn the device off and restart it it goes back to com6. i have no way of changing it on the device only through the pc and CEregedit so not very good when i am out and about.
I have tried running regedit as Administrator to see if it makes any difference but i keep getting error messages on startup Unhandled exeption raised! Error message:Failed to set data for" , could this be my problem or am i doing something wrong

Tue May 15, 2012 9:57 pm

You can use Mortscript to change the registry entry on device start up, or before the app is started...

As is common with WinCE the registry reverts back to default after power is switched off

Wed May 16, 2012 7:34 am

Thanks for the reply, not sure how to use mortscrpt, basically here is what i have

ab GPS params reg sz 1,0,COM6: ,4,1,0,0,- ,1,6,100,500,0

I keep changing it to com 7 but it reverts back everytime , i have tried saving it all different ways in regeditor but still nothing, is there anything else i need to change ?

I am pairing it with the device through regeditor and mobile device centre , then using tools to unlock registry , change the gps params to com 7, save the file , exit the application .
When i restart the device it reverts back to com6

Wed May 16, 2012 8:28 am

Post the original registry location and value and what it needs to be changed to, exporting from a registry editor will be fine.

Wed May 16, 2012 1:20 pm

Not sure what you mean but this is what i do to on regeditor

HKEY CURRENT USER, Software, Memory map 0s5, MMpocketnav, Settings , then i change the com port to 7 , try saving as or save and it works ok .
I switch off the device and it reverts back to com 6 when i look in the regeditor again, it seems as though i can change it real time but wont save the settings.

Wed May 16, 2012 1:31 pm

Is there a way to make a sys.txt entry or .ini entry to force the program to use your setting?

Wed May 16, 2012 2:57 pm

What unlock are you using on the device?

Using the registry info above I can give you a command to automate the registry change on device boot, it will either need to be added to the startup script or I'll need to create a script to do it before the programme starts, either way this is easily solved.

Wed May 16, 2012 5:13 pm

Sent you a PM Fatboyfun.

As i am am a numpty when it comes to these things i am unsure what you guys mean with regards to sys.txt entry or .ini or a command to automate the registry


Wed May 16, 2012 7:13 pm

I am making it sound way more complicated than it is, to go further I need to know how you installed memory map on your device so I can decide the easiest way to add the command.

Wed May 16, 2012 7:22 pm

I installed through the SD card and lots of playing around with it until it worked, as i said i am not very good with this stuff so it's atrial and error sort of thing .
Did you get my PM ?

Wed May 16, 2012 7:49 pm

Can you provide me some screen shots, just so i can prepare a script for you...

I need a screenshot of the SD card where the memory map executable is...
And a screenshot of the registry editor as you're making the change...

This is so i can check filenames and registry details before creating the scripts.

As the board resizes images, place the images inside a zip archive and attach them to the post

Wed May 16, 2012 8:01 pm



Are these any good ?

Wed May 16, 2012 8:13 pm

Yes, is MMPocketNavCE the main executable?

Wed May 16, 2012 8:15 pm

Yes as far i as know

This is what i have been trying to change in the settings , gps params

from this 1,0,com6: ,4,1,0,0,- ,1,6,100,500,0
to this 1,0,com7: ,4,1,0,0,- ,1,6,100,500,0


Wed May 16, 2012 8:33 pm

Using the information provided i have created this little script...

On your device rename MMPocketNavCE to MMPocketNavCE2
Download and extract the three files from the attached archive into the folder where MMPocketNavCE is 4222
Reboot and test...

The MMPocketNavCE.mscr file can be opened with Notepad if you want to see how it works, Obviously don't change anything unless instructed to...
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