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Re: Universal Navcore Installer

Wed Dec 28, 2016 7:51 pm

The navcore for my device are very limited in function. This navcore is different navcore start/start² europe model
My device (5") looks like Tomtom XXL IQ Routes
Can not import a route from my computer
Unable to set safetycams alert sounds and distances
I want to install the navcore 9.510 - The current NC for all current TT models.

Re: Universal Navcore Installer

Wed Dec 28, 2016 8:29 pm

matt054 wrote:I want to install the navcore 9.510 - The current NC for all current TT models.

If that's what you want to do then have a look at this page.

Just remember to do a full backup first

Re: Universal Navcore Installer

Fri Dec 30, 2016 11:31 am

You want to install the navcore 9.510 - The current NC for all current TT models.

Have you installed this navcore if yes do you still have voice sound ?
If not this means that you need a special navcore for Start2 and XL2

Re: Universal Navcore Installer

Fri Dec 30, 2016 10:58 pm

Thanks for your help Holyhead and fredderf

- the navcore GO 9.510 and the navcore X10 9.510 work but not speedcams menu and problem voices
- the navcore XL 9.510 do not work

I tested rider nc 9.510installer1.1 :
- the navcore GO 9.510 and navcore GO MODELS work but It is identical to the official navcore (I would like the functions identical to GO720 and GO740), Import route and configurable speedcams.

I prefer the versions before the navcore 9.430 to have the speedcams and not the zones of danger for France. ( navcore 9.400 / 9.401 /9.405 or other )

For information, here is the list of official navcores that work on my device :

Could you help me, please

Re: Universal Navcore Installer

Sat Dec 31, 2016 12:24 am

I would like to test the navcore 9.401 SE of the following link, but it is dead

Re: Universal Navcore Installer

Sat Dec 31, 2016 7:19 am

Try the one in post 2


Re: Universal Navcore Installer

Sat Dec 31, 2016 12:29 pm

Thanks Holyhead for the link.
This navcore NC 9.510 works perfectly in my device, and the functions I wanted are present.
I wonder if the radars are present for France territory or are the "danger zones".
If they are the "danger zones", then I look for the same navcore but in version 9.400 / 9.401 / 9/405 or other less than navcore 9.430.
The "dangers zones" have been set up since the navcore 9.430

Re: Universal Navcore Installer

Sat Dec 31, 2016 12:40 pm

matt054 wrote:Thanks Holyhead for the link.
This navcore NC 9.510 works perfectly in my device, and the functions I wanted are present.
I wonder if the radars are present for France territory or are the "danger zones".
If they are the "danger zones", then I look for the same navcore but in version 9.400 / 9.401 / 9/405 or other less than navcore 9.430.
The "dangers zones" have been set up since the navcore 9.430

This one is with danger zone and is special made for XL2 and Start devices. I don,t now how you got radars for France
because TomTom is no longer produce them (against the france law). TomTom only produce the danger zones.

If the police in France ever control you (change is 0.001 %) then you need a navcore with NF certificate.
But you can try navcore 9.057 without an NF certificate. I expect that it works (sound) on your device to.
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Re: Universal Navcore Installer

Sat Dec 31, 2016 4:53 pm

Thank you holyhead for your help.
The navcore 1a.NC9.510_DSA_For_XL²_UK works perfectly, but i will test the navcore 9.057 of your link.
I would still like to find a navcore for xl/XL² version 9.400 / 9.401 or 9.405. Will you help me ?
What difference between DSA and SE navcores ?
I saw on a post that there is a navcore Navcore 9.400.2 DSA for one and xl, and Navcore 9.401 Pack DSA for GO & ONE-XL-XXL
A navcore SE Navcore 9.401 link general-discussions-about-tomtom-f81/navcore-version-401-t9206.html , but the link is dead

Re: Universal Navcore Installer

Sun Jan 01, 2017 10:08 am

Happy New Year 2017 users of NAVITOTAL.COM
holyhead, I tested the navcore 9.057 but it does not work on my device.

Re: Universal Navcore Installer

Sun Jan 01, 2017 11:34 am

matt054 wrote:Happy New Year 2017 users of NAVITOTAL.COM
holyhead, I tested the navcore 9.057 but it does not work on my device.

Happy New Year to you to. No luck then with the 9.057.

the difference between DSA and SE navcore is the way the are modified so that you can use newer navcore with
more features (9510 etc) on the older device. The oldest method is the SE version and later there was a newer version DSA.
Even for NC 9510 are SE versions available.
So it is the way the navcore is modified.

To my knowledge, there is no modified navcore for XL² version 9.400 / 9.401 or 9.405.
For the XL2 and Start, you need a modified navcore if you want all the features.

Re: Universal Navcore Installer

Sun Jan 01, 2017 2:42 pm

Thank you again for your help.
I'll keep looking for the ideal navcore
Do you think the Navcore SE Navcore 9.401 of my link will work? But the download link is dead

Re: Universal Navcore Installer

Sun Jan 01, 2017 4:20 pm

I expect that you got the simple menu. The 9510 for XL2 has the more advanced menu.
I modified a 9401. So if you give it a try and it works you can use the radars in france.
Personal I don,t see any advantaged in it.

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Re: Universal Navcore Installer

Sun Jan 01, 2017 8:30 pm

Thanks Holyhead for the link.
I will test this navcore and I will keep you informed.

Re: Universal Navcore Installer

Sun Jan 01, 2017 11:17 pm

Thank you very much Holyhead, :023:
The navcore 9.401 DSA is the perfect navcore that I wanted. It works perfectly.
It has the same functions as the navcore 9.510 DSA XL² but it has the French radars, so perfect.
Once again thank you for all the help you have given me.
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