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Central_Europe or Europe_Central?

Sun Sep 03, 2017 10:10 am

Following the compatibility chart, I downloaded the map Europe_995_8549 for my PDA running WCE6.5 and Tomtom 7.915. I activated then with Fastactivate and can use all right the map.
As it is a big map (2.7 GB) and Tomtom takes some time to load, I thought to download a lighter version of the map which in my case is Central_Europe_995_8549 (980 MB) with meta "Central_Europe-101296.meta". When I activated and found DCT error, I checked the current meta database (Updated_meta.txt) and found the meta row was missing. What I found was the following row instead:
"...95 00 F5 Europe_Central-101296.meta ; Europe_Central 995_8549"
Hoping they refer to the same thing, I extracted the meta row, modified it to Central_Europe to suit the downloaded map, put it in meta.txt and successfully activated it. Then Tomtom crashed.
So I think it was not the good meta and Central_Europe is not necessarily the same as Europe_Central.
Likely the problem has been tackled in the past by one or more members of this forum but I was unable to locate where the question was.
Can someone shed light upon it? Thanks.

Re: Central_Europe or Europe_Central?

Sun Sep 03, 2017 11:36 am

Central_Europe_995_8549 has no meta so that is correct.

Europe_Central 995_8549 has a meta so that is correct to

Central_Europe is not necessarily the same as Europe_Central that is correct to

I think you talking about Activation of maps with equivalent meta,s
Read the next link
I think you don,t know (all) the ins and outs of the matter

In the case of Europe_Central
Central_Europe it works
So lets us know if your succeed.

Re: Central_Europe or Europe_Central?

Sun Sep 03, 2017 12:47 pm

Thanks for the quick answer.
According to the equivalence of maps found in 995 compatibility chart, we have 985.8211 = 990.8365 = 995.8549. That is fine. However, when I go to the updated meta database, I'm unable to find their own meta records. Again they are:
- Central_Europe_990_8365 (map) vs. ... 1E B9 44 Europe_Central-101187.meta ; Europe_Central 990_8365 (meta DB)
- Central_Europe_985_8211 (map) vs. ... D2 2E E7 Europe_Central-101103.meta ; Europe_Central 985_8211 (meta DB)
In the link you shared "...If you have a map that has no meta, you may be able to activate it if there is an equivalent meta...". My understanding is that if you find a valid record in the meta database for one of these two then that record could be used as well for the other two.
Unless I missed some really important points you tried to point out but in this case no one of the 2 above mentioned metas has a valid record in the meta database that I could see. Thanks to help me to understand how you made it work.

Re: Central_Europe or Europe_Central?

Sun Sep 03, 2017 1:27 pm

Normaly I am not in the habit to explain everything.
I think people should experiment thereself (special with the equvelent maps)

1.Download/decompress/copy the map that you want to activate
(but for which you don't have the meta)
So Central_Europe_995_8549
Delete the relavent .meta file in the map Central_Europe_995_8549
2.Copy into the map folder Central_Europe_995_8549
the meta file from the other map
(same country - compatible as number) for the same country
Activate the map with the usual system.

So don,t edit (also not the meta codes) in FastAktivate only use FastAktivate.exe
That is all you have to do and it works in this case.

Re: Central_Europe or Europe_Central?

Sun Sep 03, 2017 3:52 pm

1. "Delete the relavent .meta file in the map Central_Europe_995_8549": DONE
2. "Copy into ...from the other map Europe_Central_995_8549 ": The FROM map, in this case Europe_Central_995_8549, is nowhere to be found in the list of downloadable maps. Besides that, have I had this Europe_Central map than likely I won't be here to post questions.
I want to set a view point here: In case you feel happy to help, I'd appreciate it. Otherwise please avoid to make others feel uneasy just because they do not have the same level of knowledge in this specific area as you do. I've passed long hours on different forums to do research, several tests and I did read all the instructions I feel were necessary to address the problem. I decided to write only after days of effort with no results. Thanks to be kind.

Re: Central_Europe or Europe_Central?

Sun Sep 03, 2017 4:09 pm

Europa central is here on the site.

I don,t have the knowledge but If someone comes with a probleem then I try to do it and that is what I did and both maps are working.

Re: Central_Europe or Europe_Central?

Sun Sep 03, 2017 4:48 pm

We are kind so to save you some time downloading...I've put the Europe_Central 995_8549 meta file [Please Register or Login to download file]

Re: Central_Europe or Europe_Central? [SOLVED]

Sun Sep 03, 2017 5:00 pm

The mess I guess came from a combination of 2 things.
1. There are TWO distinct sets of maps called nearly with the same name but with inverse order (Eg: Central Europe and Europe Central). Without blaming anyone, since they must refer to two different coverages, I humbly think that they could have been called with names that prevent confusion while remaining meaningful.
2. My ignorance that there are two distinct sets of maps called nearly with the same name. As a consequence I stopped to further investigate when I found the first one. And when I see the second set down the page, my brain refused to believe it is a different set of map!
I went to AVAILABLE MAP ZONES (TOMTOM HOME) with the hope to better understand their differences but came out with a more foggy head. I keep on investigating.
Meanwhile I have learnt a lot with our exchanges. Many thanks @holihead.

Re: Central_Europe or Europe_Central?

Sun Sep 03, 2017 5:13 pm

Central Europe = 22 Countries:
Austria, Belgium, Corsica, Czech, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Netherlands, Poland, San Marino, Sardinia, Sicily, Slovak, Slovenia, Switzerland & Vatican City

Europe Central = 19 Countries:
Austria, Belgium, Czech, Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, San Marino, Sardinia, Sicily, Slovak, Slovenia, Switzerland & Vatican City

Re: Central_Europe or Europe_Central?

Sun Sep 03, 2017 5:19 pm

Many thanks! May I ask you where you got the information? With the proliferation of more and more segmented zones, I think I will pass some time there.

Re: Central_Europe or Europe_Central?

Sun Sep 03, 2017 5:50 pm

Finished now the test with the meta file you've shared. IT WORKS LIKE A CHARM! Thanks!
Happy to learn new things today!

Re: Central_Europe or Europe_Central?

Sun Sep 03, 2017 6:12 pm

jvchawk wrote:@holihead,
Finished now the test with the meta file you've shared. IT WORKS LIKE A CHARM! Thanks!
Happy to learn new things today!

Thanks for the feedback, what I understoud it not alway,s works but alway,s worth to try.
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