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igo - primo - 2.4.0

Mon Apr 22, 2019 3:54 pm

Hello everyone I have a problem with my GPS for a few weeks
after a while the software crashes and m displays this
could you help me to know what procedure to follow to solve this problem please
Thank you in advance for your assistance
ps: I am Belgian and speak very little English;)

Re: igo - primo - 2.4.0

Thu Jun 27, 2019 7:53 am


I found your post while looking for a solution to the same problem, and also found the answer in a post from user ransel at fixmygps.info

First learn how to edit igo .zip files, you may need to google for instructions

Inside data.zip, ui_igo9, and branding.zip (if you have it) you will find at least one file named *.icon.
Open all the .icon files with notepad and look for references to "$poi_mapdistant.bmp"
Change these references to poi_mapdistant.bmp

Another way is to open data.zip using Total Commander and navigate to ui_igo9/"your resolution" e.g 800_480, find the file poi_mapdistant.bmp and save a copy to the same folder as $poi_mapdistant.bmp

Re: igo - primo - 2.4.0

Tue Jul 16, 2019 6:39 pm

very goooooooood
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