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Which TomTom should I buy ? My 910 is dead.

Sun Jun 02, 2013 11:53 am

The hard drive in my Go 910 has died. Rather than mess about trying to replace it, I`m going to get another TomTom.

I used a friends 750 the other day and it picked up a satellite lock much quicker than my 910 ever did.

I realise the limitations of the [Please Register or Login to download file] , so was thinking the 750 would be my best choice.

I need some sort of SD / Micro SD slot, onboard only isn`t sufficient.

Any other models people would recommend ?

Sun Jun 02, 2013 12:11 pm

-Well, replacing the HDD with a big CF card is a matter of 30minutes and costs only a few dollars for CF card and adapter.
SatFix can be hugely improoved by updating the QuickFix data.
A X50 is only needed if you need Live Services, other a X20 or X30 will be more than enough.
All depends on the money you want to spend and how much time you have to seek a good offer on the net.

Sun Jun 02, 2013 2:46 pm

I don`t need live services.

I was impressed with the speed of operation of the 750, that`s what stood out to me.

I`ll look at the CF adapters. Thanks for the suggestion.

Mon Jun 03, 2013 7:46 am

I`ve been browsing ebay etc and doing some research.

It appears the x20 or x30 will be absolutely fine, same specs, ie 4.3 in 16:9 480 × 272 screen, SiRFstarIII, 400MHz processor, 64Mb RAM and SD card slot. I can`t seem to find a difference in hardware between the 520 & 720 or 530 & 730 apart from the case design and windscreen mount? Obviously, software can be sorted afterwards ;)

Downunder, I see you have a 730, if you were buying a 2nd hand TomTom today, which would you buy ?

Mon Jun 03, 2013 9:01 am

Same model or a 720, no real difference.
But if my TT **** itself one day I will simply use my tablet ;)

Mon Jun 03, 2013 9:25 am

why not a 520 or 530, they seem to be the same but cheaper ? :confused:

Tablet is a little on the large side for my dashboard :eek:
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