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TomTom 2 Navigate to Longitude & Latitude

Mon May 30, 2011 12:05 am

hello all,

So some background info:
I used to own a TomTom One UK v2 and used the "Navigate to Longitude & Latitude" allot.
My car was broken into an my TomTom was stolen.

I bought a replacement TomTom Start2 EU.
Starting it up I found simplified menus which I hate and no way of Navigating to sat Longitude & Latitude.
Also no way of adding POI and POI categories

With a little reading i was able to coustomise my menu to let me add POI and POI categories.

Now can anyone tell me how to get a "Navigate to Longitude & Latitude" button or a solution to my problem.

I would be very grateful for any help. I'm very new to this
Thank You

Details of my device:
TomTom Start2 EU
model: 1EX00
App: 9.057
GPS: v1.20
Boot: 5.5274
Map: Europe_Wast v8.70.3406

Mon May 30, 2011 12:09 am

Please check the tutorial section, your problem is listed there.

Mon May 30, 2011 12:15 am

thanks for the fast reply

I had a look in the tutorial section and found the "Full menu for a start". I tried the solution but I loose all the navigate to buttons. but i do get a nice looking menu screen

Mon May 30, 2011 4:24 am

Maybe you have to do some research on the tomtom.mnu file to check if there are other tasks available than the ones included in the file from the tutorials.
Or check the threads of BMWDRIVER for his Navcores ;)
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