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TomTom GO 720 off-road mapping.....

Tue Aug 04, 2020 2:11 pm


I have a TomTom go 720, I used it extensively and updated maps more than once, but now it's been overtaken by in car and phone navigation, I think that the best use for my TomTom is off-road navigation.
I live in Australia by the way.

I have installed and used ttmaps, but the maps that I have found in ECW format are too large scale (i.e. all of Wesrern Australia (which is as big as Europe) in one map

I have searched the forums but off-road doesn't seem to be a popular topic.

I'd be very grateful for any advice on the best direction to take to get my unit into the best state for off-road navigation in WA. I.e. using HEMA maps OpenStreetMaps, or whatever is recommend.

Thanks in advance

Re: TomTom GO 720 off-road mapping.....

Thu Aug 06, 2020 4:23 am


may be not the best choice, but I'm using for a older TT

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