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No new maps any more for TT One running official 8.010 navco

Fri Sep 21, 2012 7:47 pm


I'm running TT One, Navcore 8.010 (official).

The last maps where Navcore (8.01X) was included in the compatybility navcore/map matrix were 885.XXXX maps.

As for 890.XXXX as well as 895.XXXX maps 8.01X navcore is not on navcore/map compatibility matrix any more.

Confusing. Could You please reply/post what does it mean?

Should I upgrade to higher Navcore (not official)? Then which one is confirmed working fine with TT One 3rd?
Should I ignore and install 890/895 maps? Then which map XXXX is for 8.01X navcore...

Thanks in advance for your reply.

Fri Sep 21, 2012 8:17 pm

A little interpolating is all you need to do.
krzysztofjarzyna2 wrote:Hi,

I'm running TT One, Navcore 8.010 (official).

The last maps where Navcore (8.01X) was included in the compatybility navcore/map matrix were 885.XXXX maps.

As for 890.XXXX as well as 895.XXXX maps 8.01X navcore is not on navcore/map compatibility matrix any more.

Confusing. Could You please reply/post what does it mean?

Should I upgrade to higher Navcore (not official)? Then which one is confirmed working fine with TT One 3rd?
Should I ignore and install 890/895 maps? Then which map XXXX is for 8.01X navcore...

Thanks in advance for your reply.

There were 6 versions in the 890 map Edition & there are 6 versions in the 895 map edition that are compatible with a 8010 navcore. Since there are so many navcores, & so few members are still using the early 80XX versions, we removed some of them to make room for the 9XXX navcores. A little "interpolating" is all you need to do. If you are not familiar with the word "interpolate", look up the definition that pertains to mathmatics & numbers.

Fri Sep 21, 2012 10:57 pm

in·ter·po·lat·ed, in·ter·po·lat·ing.
verb (used with object)
to introduce (something additional or extraneous) between other things or parts; interject; interpose; intercalate.
Mathematics . to insert, estimate, or find an intermediate term in (a sequence).
to alter (a text) by the insertion of new matter, especially deceptively or without authorization.
to insert (new or spurious matter) in this manner.
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