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nav2/3 renault

Mon Aug 14, 2023 11:04 pm

I have a renault megane 3 with tomtom navigation system, the device id starts with IB, so from the chart I get the navigation system is renault carminat live and it uses NAV2 and its navcore version is 9.844.
I look at the chart of compatible maps so 1050.10175, 77, 78 and 79 should work fine with my navigation system, but when I install them using TTActivator and activate them using the latest meta file, I get an error when installing the card into the device saying "you cannot use this map on this device", is there something wrong that I'm doing?

I did the following steps:
Got an empty 32gb card
Installed it into the device to get the base files
Connected to tomtomhome to install voices and free stuff
Downloaded the map using ttactivator ( high-level-u 1050.10176 )
Activated the map
Installed into the device

Does anyone know what should I do?

Re: nav2/3 renault

Tue Aug 15, 2023 7:38 pm

I'm afraid it can't be done...see here

Re: nav2/3 renault

Mon Aug 21, 2023 12:38 am

Thank you for informing me.
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