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7466, 7508 Western Europe on XL Live

Tue Aug 02, 2016 2:33 pm

Grey area of ignorance for me. I want to loan my spare XL Live 2GB out to a friend for next week for travels in Europe. TT suggested map, the correct map is 7508. The META is not out for 7508 as yet but is in for the 7466. I don't yet know the final file size for 7466 as it is in progress as I type.
Am I correct to assume the ASR and Cspeech files will increase the file size? If so may I strip them out? There is just 27.5megs left on the drive if I load the 7508 as yet without META.

Re: 7466, 7508 Western Europe on XL Live

Tue Aug 02, 2016 2:56 pm

roydrage wrote:Grey area of ignorance for me. I want to loan my spare XL Live 2GB out to a friend for next week for travels in Europe. TT suggested map, the correct map is 7508. The META is not out for 7508 as yet but is in for the 7466. I don't yet know the final file size for 7466 as it is in progress as I type.
Am I correct to assume the ASR and Cspeech files will increase the file size? If so may I strip them out? There is just 27.5megs left on the drive if I load the 7508 as yet without META.

The map must be compatible with the navcore (operating system) that is installed on your device or it won't work. Maps are navcore specific, not device specific

You didn't say which Western Europe map...there are a few variants as can be seen on my previous post 20 here...also see post #22. Note the sizes of the maps (compressed size) and also the countries they cover as they do vary a lot.

Yes, you can remove the cspeech files if you need to
Last edited by fredderf on Tue Aug 02, 2016 3:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: 7466, 7508 Western Europe on XL Live

Tue Aug 02, 2016 3:03 pm

Ah, they are Western Europe 970 7508 (TT suggested map) and Western Europe 970 7466.

Re: 7466, 7508 Western Europe on XL Live

Tue Aug 02, 2016 3:12 pm

roydrage wrote:Ah, they are Western Europe 970 7508 (TT suggested map) and Western Europe 970 7466.

Both of those maps require navcore 9.0xx or above which I assume you have?

Western Europe 970_7466 has a compressed size of 1.85GB so yes, you will probably need to delete the cspeech files in order for it to fit

Re: 7466, 7508 Western Europe on XL Live

Tue Aug 02, 2016 3:40 pm

Navcore is stock 9510.
Yes, worked like a charm but I cheated. As the flash memory is so slow and the copy time so long I just copied Western_Europe-100772.meta from the 970 7466 map into the 970 7508 map I had stupidly loaded onto the device without checking for a META (yes I know, old enough to know better). I deleted the original Western_Europe-100790.meta from the device and all is well.

Re: 7466, 7508 Western Europe on XL Live

Tue Aug 02, 2016 4:38 pm

Well done....jobs a good'un
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