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Xdvdn8290 ( 2 din all in one dual av made ) no sound on igo

Sun May 29, 2011 3:07 am


I manage to run iGO8.3.xx PNA version on my XDVDN8290 (2Din AIO unit) every thing works fine except sound :mad:

can some one help me how to fix this problem? :helpsos:


Sun May 29, 2011 8:42 am

Do you mean no sound at all? Even screen tap sounds, or just no TTS, etc?

Can you access Windows CE?

Sun May 29, 2011 1:10 pm

Hi Fatboyfun

Thanks for reply

No sound at all, even NO screen tap sound,
Yes i can access win CE with different sd card ( explorer.exe renamed to navigation.exe)

this Device copy Navigation folder to Nandflash and than run navigation.exe ,

what i did is copy the donwloaded the resolutiontester.exe and resolutiontester.scp file and rename it to navigation.exe and navigation.scp in Navigation folder and in navigation.scp i pointed to the "call \sdmmc card\iGO8\iGO8.exe and when i inserted the sd card igo8 start running, everything works fine but no sound at all

luck :-(

Sun May 29, 2011 1:18 pm

Can you get any sound from the WinCE sound control panel applet?

Sun May 29, 2011 1:24 pm

Can you get any sound from the WinCE sound control panel applet? <---------- ??????

when i access win ce control panel and went to the sound properties i can see those welcome, open , close ...sound but when i try to play no sound at all


Sun May 29, 2011 1:24 pm

Have you turned on the master volume in options? Have you turned on the key sounds in options? Have you selected a voice in options?

Sun May 29, 2011 1:26 pm

Hi Chas521,

Yes all of them i turned off and on and after doing back up i can see those in sys.txt in saved folder too.

Sun May 29, 2011 1:32 pm

Then it sounds like you've got a bad download. I would get it from here at Navitotal. Our uploads are very good. We can't support downloads from other forums because we don't know what they have done.

Sun May 29, 2011 1:36 pm

raceway01 wrote:Can you get any sound from the WinCE sound control panel applet? <---------- ??????

when i access win ce control panel and went to the sound properties i can see those welcome, open , close ...sound but when i try to play no sound at all


Within the WinCE environment goto Control Panel, Open Volume and sounds, Make sure the volume is turned up, Tap Sounds tab, Pick any of the sounds that have the speaker icon next to it and tap the play icon.

If you are still not getting any sound then i fear your device may have the same issues as the Navsure brand where the WinCE OS has been modified to work with the hardware sound mixer and requires activity on a serial connection to tell the unit to mute the radio/cd and allow the sound through.

More information in this thread...

Sun May 29, 2011 1:45 pm

Hi Chas521,

I have 3 china made 2 Din units and 2 of them unbranded and 1 is made by dualav. i download the igo8 from navitotal i do have copy that came with those china made unit, all files works good with sound and everything in those 2 unit but this XDVDn8290 made by Dualav is kind of locked unit and that one giving me no sound at all, no matter which igo8 i use. last one i tried is familyreunion.rar

let me know if you want me to try any another one.

unit specs are as follow

CPU: Samsung S3C2440 400MHz

Ram: 64MB total, free depends on what is running

Nandflash: 64MB total, 6MB in use w/o navigation running


Sun May 29, 2011 2:08 pm

It sounds like you've downloaded the proper program file. I'm retired as a mod here but I still post now and then. Fatboyfun and Yurbuh Tuggly are quite knowledgeable as mods. If there is a way to assist you, they will find it.
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