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[question] what these settings do again??

Wed Jul 06, 2011 1:46 pm

Hi guys!
I feel rusted :P
Can someone tell me what these settings do again??



my map is way too zoomed in ...
i need to back it off a bit...

also, i need to tweak the tilt down a bit...
i think its too much like im climbing'up
a mountain!!
i dont recall the setting for that too :/

oh and, when i approach a turn,
the screen auto-zooms in,
and once i exit the turn,
it auto-zooms back to default
map zoom level,,, till next turn...
is there a way to tweak that too?
so that it does not zoom in too much??
feels like an air-plane crash :P

thanks!! :)

Wed Jul 06, 2011 4:52 pm

The variables that rule the tilt angle can possibly be set in a skin, otherwise you have to apply some lines in sys.txt
But your info is minimal, I am assuming you are using a iGO 8.3.

Try :



And then play a little with those figures until you are satisfied with the result.

Wed Jul 06, 2011 7:56 pm

ok i'll verify some more on the skin for TiLT settings...

but what about [1] & [2] ??

thx :)

Thu Jul 14, 2011 7:49 am

Touch screen, 4 buttons come up along bottom part of screen, hold right hand screen setting button.
Zoom and tilt angles set for main screen will now come onto screen.
(with GJ 18 skin)
ie> zoom in limit, zoom out, tilt angles , max, min. angle tit, zoom etc
You can also go thru menus to Smart Zoom for same.
And under visual settings, more options, Auto tilt map. set for "always when back to map"


Thu Jul 14, 2011 4:29 pm

i dont use GJ 18 skin skin though...

but im using CHOUP skin and i think i've found where all these settings are!!

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