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realweather and audio problem in "iGO Primo 1.2 V9.2.0.191493 (11 May 2011)"

Fri Jul 29, 2011 9:06 am


I have installed your Primo 1.2 on my HTC HD2, after not succeeding to solve a voice problem in another version. It works perfectly now except for 3 things.
Every 3 minutes there is an error "Exception occurred at $00015728: EInOutError: file not found $00015728". When I look in the taskmanager at the moment this error occurs, "RealWeather" is active. When I close the error window, RealWeather is no longer active.
How can I turn this application off?
When navigating, my choosen regular voice works perfectly (No TTS active). There is however another voice (coming from the audio directory) running in Portuguese??
How can I turn this voice off?
When Primo starts, it asks (for a split second) to calibrate the screen. I get no change to do this.
How can I turn this feature off?

Are there any other features in your setup that do not work on a smartphone without 3G?
Primo 1.2 keeps running perfectly, it does not crash, so I would like to keep this one.


Fri Jul 29, 2011 9:39 am

Hello Jerha

I never assembled this build, nor have i tested it at length, It was put together by arimi, he would be better suited to answer the questions, However if not i'll play with it over the weekend.

Sat Jul 30, 2011 12:05 am

Hi !
I have the same problem !

Thu Aug 11, 2011 9:01 am

Same problem here: EInOutError expection and Calibrate the screen (1 and 3). Any ideas how to solve these issues?

Fri Aug 12, 2011 1:12 pm

Hi, I've found a solution for the EInOutError exception. However this involves that you will not be able to use this feature anymore (I don't have an internet connection on my GPS device so this doesn't bother me...). So all you have to do is to delete some files :diablo:: RealMeteo file from the root Primo folder and all the files from \ui_igo9\common\ui\. This worked for me but don't forget to backup your files before doing this.
For the calibrate issue after you start Primo go advanced menu and you will find the calibrate screen option (basically all you have to do is to tap on the screen several times in order to calibrate it). After performing this action the calibrate splash image from the loading screen will not appear anymore ;)

Fri Aug 12, 2011 7:11 pm

Im wondering if for weather checks issue you add this to sys.txt ?


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