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Wed Aug 25, 2010 2:12 pm

Here is the problem.... I don't have any copies of my work either. When the jerk who was reporting links decided to report the links for my unlocks, well they ended up getting taken down as well. There are a lot of other unlocks available that people have made for the c220. You can use google and find a ton. As for mine, well they died when some turd decided to have them taken down. I am a little bitter about that given the hours and hours of work I devoted towards that stuff. I guess I should have kept a backup copy... actually I did, but that disk went bad ages ago and I kept putting off downloading them again to back them up. Anyways, sorry that I can't help. If I had more time and still had the interest I would put something together, but as of now I am way to busy.

Wed Aug 25, 2010 2:18 pm

Google is your friend, just press the icon: [Please Register or Login to download file]
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