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How to add custom icons to POIs in Primo

Tue May 19, 2015 2:04 pm

I have been searching for a simple tutorial on how to add custom icons to POIs in Primo and just can't find one. For example, I want to create a .bmp icon of the Wal Mart logo and attach it to Wal Mart POIs. How do I do that? I know there are strings of icons contained in .bmp files, and is it the .str file that points to the icon's position in the .bmp file? And what file associates that icon with Wal Mart POIs? There just doesn't seem to be a simple tutorial for doing it.

Thank you in advance!

Re: How to add custom icons to POIs in Primo

Tue May 19, 2015 3:06 pm

The matter has come up before.
Do a search for "userdata". I think nabi did explain once howto,

Re: How to add custom icons to POIs in Primo

Tue May 19, 2015 6:06 pm

Put the .kml file inside folder /content/userdata/poi/ and the .bmp in folder /content/userdata/usericon/
Add the line as follows:
?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<kml xmlns="http://earth.google.com/kml/2.2"><Document><name>CDN-McDonald's</name><metadata><igoicon><filename>McDonald.bmp</filename></igoicon></metadata><Placemark><name>McDonald's</name><description><![CDATA[CDN-Markham<br /> etc...

Your .bmp files should be of a specific type, I suggest using IPAQ 31 Image Explorer and use batch conversion, save as BMP (RGB) since typical bmp files cannot be opened by windows. Substitute the line that reads "McDonald.bmp" by the name of your picture file... could be Walmart.bmp.
Good luck

Re: How to add custom icons to POIs in Primo

Wed May 20, 2015 7:52 pm

What if I don't want to use a kml file? For example, I want to assign the Wal Mart icon to all the Wal Mart stores already in the Navteq or TomTom poi files downloaded with the maps?

Thank you again!

Re: How to add custom icons to POIs in Primo

Thu May 21, 2015 12:55 pm

Well, I am certainly not knowledgeable enough to do that. I have always wondered if that could actually be done. I guess if the information in the .poi files has an icon for a location, Igo could actually give me a graphical image of the ones I am interested in. There could be some parameter to do that. When I search for a place around a location, like a gas station, it shows me a bunch of stations with their logo, like shell, esso, etc. I wish there was a parameter we could use to be able to sort them, or simply show the ones I am interested in. Say I am looking for banks, it will actually show me the ones near my location... but I only want IGO to show me "my" bank, not every bank in a 200 miles radius. Same goes for online traffic, I get information for incidents that happened far and with no relation to my itinerary. I wish I could be able to purge the events/icons I want to see and select the direction. Anyone knows how to? :tease:

Re: How to add custom icons to POIs in Primo

Thu May 21, 2015 2:10 pm

livanpinar wrote:Well, I am certainly not knowledgeable enough to do that. I have always wondered if that could actually be done. I guess if the information in the .poi files has an icon for a location, Igo could actually give me a graphical image of the ones I am interested in. There could be some parameter to do that. When I search for a place around a location, like a gas station, it shows me a bunch of stations with their logo, like shell, esso, etc. I wish there was a parameter we could use to be able to sort them, or simply show the ones I am interested in. Say I am looking for banks, it will actually show me the ones near my location... but I only want IGO to show me "my" bank, not every bank in a 200 miles radius. Same goes for online traffic, I get information for incidents that happened far and with no relation to my itinerary. I wish I could be able to purge the events/icons I want to see and select the direction. Anyone knows how to? :tease:

Not sure about Primo but you're able to do this in iGO8 regarding POI icons..

Re: How to add custom icons to POIs in Primo

Thu May 21, 2015 2:49 pm

I believe the "normal" icons are in branding.zip and an extended branding could be what you want.
take a look at [Please Register or Login to download file]
Next I am not sure if a skin could help out selecting the brands in a category of POI's

Re: How to add custom icons to POIs in Primo

Thu May 21, 2015 10:41 pm

Thanks! I'll try to dissect the extending branding.
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