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"failed to open file: $diriconbig800_001.bmp exiting program

Fri Sep 17, 2010 5:10 pm

I´m from Argentina. This web is amanzing!
I´ve a problem :wallbash: when i try to fix an adress, the version is iGO in a Witson ([Please Register or Login to download file] ) If I delete the folder ui_igo8, the problem dissapear, but I lost the arrow/car.
Anybody knows how the repair it?

Fri Sep 17, 2010 6:00 pm

Hello to Argentina ! ;-)
I don't understand. What is the problem trying to fix an address? Maybe not all letters appear? Strange keyboard? Something else?
Or then the message appears?

You should not delete the folder ui_igo8. This is an important folder! If you have a copy of it, copy the ui_igo folder back in its place.

Do you use a skin? Disable it and try the standard skin. Then if it works, it's the skin, use another one.

Fri Sep 17, 2010 9:11 pm

I reinstalled the folder ui_igo8, but the problem is that when I find the adress, I touch "select this adress" a window appears saying "failed to open file: $diriconbig800_001.bmp exiting program" and the navigator turns off.
If I delete, inside the folder ui_igo, the *.sys, it doesn´t happen. It means that you can see the route, but the arrow/car...dissapear :-)
How can I solve this situation?

Fri Sep 17, 2010 9:18 pm

Sounds like either your resolution is not fully supported by your data.zip, or your skin is not fully functional and has a bug. If you are using a skin, try another skin or look to see if there is an update to that skin you are using.

If you are not using a skin, look for a different data.zip that has your resolution and hope that it isn't missing that file, or that it doesn't have that bug. I know I was not a fan of the latest 8.3.4 version and it was what really drove me to Primo. You could always try another 8.3.4 version's igo8.exe and see if that fixes the problem, since the issue might also be a bug in the igo8.exe.... although chances are it is either your skin or data.zip.

Hmm... I should have looked first at your device... I still think it is a skin issue or a problem with your data.zip. Do you know what resolution your device uses when running the navigation program?

Fri Sep 17, 2010 9:33 pm

I said that !
I am guessing a skin issue? Made by Cbolumar?
Use a different skin!

Fri Sep 17, 2010 10:37 pm

I did it!
Both of you are genious!!!
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