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Drivetrack 71

Wed Jun 19, 2019 11:23 pm

Wondering if anyone has firmware for drivetrack 71 as I cannot see it on Perry's...
I actually have a drivesmart 61 which Apparantly is the same hardware but it's missing the option to view Raster maps when compared to the drivetrack. Perhaps I'm naive thinking I can just install the Drivetrack software?

Re: Drivetrack 71

Fri Jun 21, 2019 7:54 am

jueylea wrote:Wondering if anyone has firmware for drivetrack 71 as I cannot see it on Perry's...
I actually have a drivesmart 61 which Apparantly is the same hardware but it's missing the option to view Raster maps when compared to the drivetrack. Perhaps I'm naive thinking I can just install the Drivetrack software?

I think you will find the DriveTrack 71 is in the same family as the DriveSmart 55 & 65 with no access to firmware yet.

Your DriveSmart 61 HWID 2588 does not share firmware with any other device.
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The Drive,DriveSmart 60_70,& DriveTrack 70 share the same HWID 2268 maybe that's what you heard about ?

It would NOT be wise to use any other firmware not compatible with your DriveSmart 61 HWID 2588
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