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Loading.bmp on Igo Primo android help

Tue Aug 27, 2013 7:06 am


Please can anyone advise if the loading.bmp can be changedon the Android version of this software?... I have replaced the 800x480 bmp for my own picture but i get an error saying that the 800x480 resolution is not supported. The picture size is exactly the same, same dpi and colour bit rate. If I put back the original bmp it works fine?... any help or tutorial on how the steps i need to take would be most appreciated. :)

Thanks all.

Tue Aug 27, 2013 11:32 am

Take a look here. I don't know if it applies to Android but it might.

Tue Aug 27, 2013 11:57 am

Thank you for your response, I have tried that but it seems to have the same problem. It does work if i use the same image on the wince version but not on Android one. I can only assume that some sort of checksum is running for the image, but obviously I'm not sure on that.


Tue Aug 27, 2013 12:17 pm

Try to make the zip file with 7zip, and not with winzip, or explore the archive, than drag and drop the new loading_m3.bmp(and loading_m4.bmp) and new exiting_m3.bmp(and exiting_m4.bmp) in data=>ui_android=>800_480 folder.
It's simple, but you have to take care about the steps and replacing files.

Tue Aug 27, 2013 12:19 pm

Sorry about that Andy - I tried. There must be a way I guess. I'll move your thread to the Android discussion area. Maybe someone there can help better.

Wed Aug 28, 2013 2:53 pm


Thanks for your response. I have tried using 7zip to drag and drop the new loading_m3 & 4 to the folder but i still get an error saying "user interface resolution (800x480) is not supported. It runs fine with the original bmp but not the new one. Both files are identical in size (800x480), dpi = 182.800 and colour depth. They are both 1.09mb. Is there anything than android is able to recognise changes. For example, if i take the original image and just add a different colour pixel to the picture it will not load. Yet i can use the same image on wince version and it loads every time with same resolution. Does it require a particular customised installer apk for instance?...thanks.

Wed Aug 28, 2013 4:58 pm

make an archive with your data.zip(for android) and with the loading.bmp you would like to have instead of original one and upload it on a hosting site.
I will try to see what is happening.

L.E. If you have also a branding.zip, send also these file

Thu Aug 29, 2013 10:41 am

Hi, Thanks for your interest. Files can be downloaded from [Please Register or Login to download file]

The data.zip runs fine as it stands. The one i have tried to use is just an altered one of original, just to try and see if it loads. Just keeps saying "resolution 800x480 not supported".

Much apprediated if you could take a look why it will not load if i drag/drop into the archive.

Many thanks

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