NEW: WORLD car maps TA 2018.12 (V9.01)
NEW: WORLD car maps TA 2018.12 (V9.00) (4 old versions of sw)
- TA 2018.12 V9.01 maps are splitted: AUS, IND, FRA, GER, ITA, RUS, ESP, GBR, CAN, MEX, BRA (Sygic 17.3.2 and higher can read splitted maps...)
- TA 2018.12 V9.00 (not splitted) - use with Aura 17.3.1 or lower..., Taxi, InCar
Funny voices: Homer Simpson (ENG), Mr.Burns (ENG), Snoop Dogg(ENG)
Offline speedcams
Car maps: TA:2018.12, OS:2017:12 (maps version 9.01 - sygic version 15.4.X and higher, splitted maps 9.01 - sygic version 17.3.2 and higher)
Truck maps: EU NT:2018.09 US NT:2018.06 MEA NT:2018.03 AUSNZL TA:2018.12 V900
Taxi, InCar, Aura: TA:2018.12 V900 (maps version 9.00 - sygic version 15.3.9 and lower, unsplitted maps 9.00 - sygic version 17.3.1 and lower)
- new search engine (FTS - Full Text Search) in SYGIC>=16.5.0: !!! ALL maps !!! in \MAPS directory MUST HAVE FTS file !!! (except WCL, of course)
- old search engine (country, city,street) in SYGIC>=16.5.0: delete some FTS file in any map folder in \MAPS directory
TA 2018.12 V9.01, NT 2018.09/06/03, TA 2018.12 V9.00, OS 2017.12 use console downloader: below
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Thankx SDLER...