Wed Oct 01, 2014 7:33 pm
I´ve a peugeot 308 with a gps sd card "Navigation System Europe 2009/2010 Edition 1.0 96668040080 2070.01 Herman Becker". Someone please tell me how to update my gps? What kind of files i must download? Thanks in advance for an answer.
Sun May 10, 2015 5:33 am
Sounds like you have the RNEG system the same as I have. The latest maps for this system that I've found are listed as Citoen RNEG maps which should be the same. The links can be found on this thread courtesy pmaiden5 -
Download all the files and follow the instructions given in the above thread.
If the maps aren't recognised you may neead to update the RNEG software (firmware) in which case you'll need to search for the necessary files. The 2013 - 2014 V1 maps worked with firmware version R29.01 on my system but I've updated to version R50.03. I've still got to test the above map on my system.
Sun May 10, 2015 11:13 am
Thank´s for answer. Does the "Citroen WORKING RNEG 2013-2014 MAPS (2013 v2)", is the last map for RNEG navigation sistem? I will go to try to update my Car.
Tue May 12, 2015 3:37 pm
Link now goes to the 2015 Map
Seems to be an issue with the links. Clicking them just brings an empty page from Mega. Highlighting the link, right clicking and click on copy then pasting into a new browser windo will show the files and allow you to download them. Hope this isn't breaking any forum rules but is the only way I can get the download to work in Waterfox browser,
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Fri Oct 16, 2015 10:15 am
Hello. I have the new 308 from Jan 2014.
From setup it says that i have Map Version 102.0
from Peugeot website it says that version 2015-2 is available after i put VIN number
Its this the version for download?

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