binatone f350 and easyshell question/help   

binatone f350 and easyshell question/help

Postby meadyyyy » Sat Jun 22, 2013 9:40 am


little bit of help, guy at work gave me f350 to sort as he did something to it and it no longer works.
anyway, had a look and there seems to be nothing on data flash apart from gpspara0 and a weird hidden folder, tried putting easyshell onto dataflash but get message not enough room (strange as it appears empty and can see hidden files) so went down sdcard route to access device but get message

error expected "endIf" but found "EndSub" line 38 (\SDMMC\MobileNavigator\MobileNavigator.mscr): EndSub

put card in my binatone and it ran easyshell just as it should

so, what is needed to get easyshell running?
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Postby meadyyyy » Sat Jun 22, 2013 10:37 am

an update, accessed device via activesync and used mobileregedit to launch9999 control.exe, changes usbclient to mass storage and now I can see everything on what is now removable disk H. everything is strange file names and no reference to mobile navigator or any nav folder cant copy out anything on device, what can safely be deleted?
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Postby Fatboyfun » Sat Jun 22, 2013 12:22 pm

You can Safely delete everything from a Binatone, and/or replace it or run solely from an SD card.

As for the easy shell error, I don't know, it only affects certain devices and I haven't had one yet, try upgrading mortscript.exe to a newer version.
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