TomTom v1100 TRUCK and Camper Maps   

Postby oldfogy » Sun Mar 11, 2012 1:04 am

Is anyone else having problems with this map?

I carried out all the usual installation of map and meta file, but the TT freezes on the boot screen then after a short while automatically re-boots again.
The feeling I get is that the TT is not seeing the map because when I initially installed the 8.39 navcore and re-booted the TT without any map installed it did exactly the same thing (obviously that would not work because of no map) but exactly the same outcome.

Previous Europe Truck maps still work and even still from a fresh install so I don't think it's anything I am doing wrong, so could it be a meta file problem, although FastActive does initialise the map when using the 'mymeta.txt' installation technique.
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Postby tendriver » Sun Mar 11, 2012 1:44 am

oldfogy wrote:Is anyone else having problems with this map?

I carried out all the usual installation of map and meta file, but the TT freezes on the boot screen then after a short while automatically re-boots again.
1. The feeling I get is that the TT is not seeing the map because when I initially installed the 8.39 navcore and re-booted the TT without any map installed it did exactly the same thing (obviously that would not work because of no map) but exactly the same outcome.

Previous Europe Truck maps still work and even still from a fresh install so I don't think it's anything I am doing wrong, so could it be a meta file problem, although FastActive does initialise the map when using the 'mymeta.txt' installation technique.

1. There is no relationship what so ever between these 2 occurrences, just coincidental results.

Have you confirmed the map is patched by the presence of both the .meta.dct & the tmeta.dct files in the TRUCK 4056 folder?
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Postby oldfogy » Sun Mar 11, 2012 2:04 am

Yes the Europe_TRUCK-525.meta.dct & Europe_TRUCK-525.tmeta.dct exist.

But, something is beginning to sound familiar here with the TTGO.ORI etc, I think this problem occurred once before a long time ago so I will try checking that out later on Sunday and see if I kept any notes on how to solve that problem, or try finding the thread where it was discussed.

DeviceName=TomTom ONE
DeviceVersionHW=ONE (v2)
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I found my notes with regards to what I thought may of been similar problems, but that turned out to be a different problem with TT Home showing a error message and how to fix that problem 'To fix version error & "Operate my device" issue' and the .BAK and .ORI files were part of the fix, but although I have still followed those instruction to create those files but only the ttgo.bak file has been created, the original text was on the following link which does not seem to be available now.

DeviceName=TomTom ONE
DeviceVersionHW=ONE (v2)
DeviceName=TomTom ONE
DeviceVersionHW=ONE (v2)
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Postby tendriver » Sun Mar 11, 2012 4:22 am

I have no idea what point you are trying to make with all that stuff, but as long as it's there:
1. The .bif, .bak, .ori files have nothing to do with your map issue.
2. In your Edit addition the .bak file is correct, but the .bif file isn't. Delete the .bif and reboot. You'll then have a correct .bak, .bif & .ori.
3. The link you referenced above, works just fine. Notice who the primary Mod poster is.
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Postby oldfogy » Tue Mar 27, 2012 7:56 pm

tendriver wrote:I have no idea what point you are trying to make with all that stuff, but as long as it's there:
1. The .bif, .bak, .ori files have nothing to do with your map issue.
2. In your Edit addition the .bak file is correct, but the .bif file isn't. Delete the .bif and reboot. You'll then have a correct .bak, .bif & .ori.
3. The link you referenced above, works just fine. Notice who the primary Mod poster is.
Sorry I could not reply sooner as the thread got locked.

I was supplying the information at the outset just in case it was required.

But I found the problem I was having, which turned out to be a faulty 'MapSettings.cfg' file which I was using to transfer my favourites and other configuration settings.

Once the (faulty) MapSettings.cfg file was removed the system worked fine and simply re-created another working MapSettings.cfg file.
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Postby tendriver » Tue Mar 27, 2012 8:32 pm

oldfogy wrote:But I found the problem I was having, which turned out to be a faulty 'MapSettings.cfg' file which I was using to transfer my favourites and other configuration settings. Once the (faulty) MapSettings.cfg file was removed the system worked fine and simply re-created another working MapSettings.cfg file.

For future reference:

1. rebooting after a map update or changes to some map related files like POI's.
It is a common problem caused by the file "mapsettings.cfg" in your map folder.
To get a correct version of this file without loosing your favorites connect your Tomtom to
Tomtom Home and use "operate my Go" to manually add a favorite - you can choose any address you like.
Exit and restart your Tomtom which now has a rewritten "mapsettings.cfg" file.
If everything works fine you can delete the newly added "dummy" favorite.
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Postby danthepcman » Tue May 08, 2012 7:28 pm

Just updated a GO 300 for a friend to the truck software. Which i'm testing right now.

I'm using NavCore 8.359 with 885.4056 Europe Maps with 5.5001 BL on a GO 300 (Any other BL refused to read the Gen SanDisk 4gb SDHC Card i'm using). with TTS and ASR disabled (Due to the limited Ram on the device, not that my friend would use these features anyway, and if he does well he can buy a new satnav :-p) and everything seems fine right now. Need to test it but all seems good right now.
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Postby tendriver » Wed May 09, 2012 10:25 pm

danthepcman wrote:(I'm using NavCore 8.359 with 885.4056 Europe Maps
Any other BL refused to read the Gen SanDisk 4gb SDHC Card i'm using).

A SDHC card requires B/L 5.5015 or highr.

gezt wrote:redownloaded both maps and using navcore 8359

Can either of you give me a link to Navcore 8.359?
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Postby Downunder35m » Thu May 10, 2012 4:37 am

I think they mean the 8.395 as I can't reacll a 8.359 Navcore anywhere and by the number it could not be a Truck anyway.
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Postby oldfogy » Sun Dec 02, 2012 5:16 pm

gezt wrote:As for not being able to copy favorites i still make a new poi file for each batch and then it's just a case of copy and paste the file into the map file.

In theory all you need to do is to take the 'mapsettings.cfg' from your old map folder and place it into your new map folder.

That will normally keep and transfer not only all of your favourites but also any personalised settings for POI's such as speeds and sounds for Camera alerts without having to re-do them each time.

When saving from one navcore to the same navcore version there should not be a problem.

However if you do have problems and your TomTom keeps rebooting after a map update or changes to any map related files like POI's,
then it is a common problem caused by a faulty "mapsettings.cfg" file in your map folder.

To get a correct version of this file without loosing your favourites connect your TomTom to
TomTom Home and use "operate my Go" to manually add a favourite - you can choose any address you like.

Exit and restart your TomTom, you will now have a rewritten "mapsettings.cfg" file which should solve the problem.

If everything works fine you can delete the newly added "dummy" favourite.
If you don't mind losing all your favourites, just delete the "mapsettings.cfg" file then re-boot your TomTom,
the next time you create a favourite it will also re-create the "mapsettings.cfg" file.
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Postby tendriver » Sun Dec 02, 2012 10:28 pm

oldfogy wrote:1. In theory all you need to do is to take the 'mapsettings.cfg' from your old map folder and place it into your new map folder.

That will normally keep and transfer not only all of your favourites but also any personalised settings for POI's such as speeds and sounds for Camera alerts without having to re-do them each time.

When saving from one navcore to the same navcore version there should not be a problem.

2. However if you do have problems and your TomTom keeps rebooting after a map update or changes to any map related files like POI's,
then it is a common problem caused by a faulty "mapsettings.cfg" file in your map folder.

To get a correct version of this file without loosing your favourites connect your TomTom to
TomTom Home and use "operate my Go" to manually add a favourite - you can choose any address you like.

Exit and restart your TomTom, you will now have a rewritten "mapsettings.cfg" file which should solve the problem.

If everything works fine you can delete the newly added "dummy" favourite.
If you don't mind losing all your favourites, just delete the "mapsettings.cfg" file then re-boot your TomTom,
the next time you create a favourite it will also re-create the "mapsettings.cfg" file.

Tutorials 1 & 2 courtesy of djc151084 in the Tutorial section.
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Postby One Lover » Sat Mar 09, 2013 3:55 pm

bucer wrote:Hi All,

I have recently installed Truck Navcore 9.7 for 32mb device on microSD card together with Europe_TRUCK_905_4798 maps, and my problem is with search using postcodes. I have downloaded POSTCODE 905 and have copy/paste it to the root, done FastActivate but when i'm typing postcode it's only showing first 3 characters (for example: NR1 ):unknw_mini:.

I will be overwhelmed for your help Guys:)

? Did you use it on UK&Irl or NL map.

Postcode works only in UK,IRL,NL and LOL Singapore
Greets from the Netherlands
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Postby bucer » Sat Mar 09, 2013 4:00 pm

One Lover wrote:? Did you use it on UK&Irl or NL map.

Postcode works only in UK,IRL,NL and LOL Singapore
Greets from the Netherlands

So i will not be able to use FULL postcode search on Europe_TRUCK_905_4798 map?
Do i need to install second UK&Irl only map?

Thanks for quick reply
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Postby tendriver » Sun Mar 10, 2013 10:08 pm

oldfogy wrote:So any suggestions please, as obviously it's not working for my setup.

Did you install 9.700 as an overwrite or a clean install?
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Postby oldfogy » Sun Mar 10, 2013 10:24 pm

tendriver wrote:Did you install 9.700 as an overwrite or a clean install?

Both, I tried first by removing the old navcore files 'except for the .bif file, but that didn't work so I tried a fresh install after formatting the SD Card.
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