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Re: TomTom Navigation_v1.9b (easy install)

Sat Sep 18, 2021 3:49 pm

Hello, I just installed this version, the pois folder is not found in android data, I am trying the / files / UserData / ImportedPOI folder

Re: TomTom Navigation_v1.9b (easy install)

Fri Oct 01, 2021 6:23 am

jaa geweldig super bedankt ik ga hem gelijk proberen

‎yes great super thanks i'm going to try it right away‎

Re: TomTom Navigation_v1.9b (easy install)

Fri Oct 01, 2021 6:55 am

jaa geweldig super bedankt ik ga hem gelijk proberen

oeps werkt toch niet blijft op zoeken naar kaarten ?? en na herstart android start tomtom niet meer op [ blijft staan op app wordt geladen] . en gaat niet verder ik denk na update van september 2021 ??

‎yesa great super thanks i'm going to try‎

‎him right away oops doesn't work anyway keeps looking for cards ?? and after restarting android tomtom won't boot on [stays on app loading] . and will not continue i think after update of september 2021 ??‎

Re: TomTom Navigation_v1.9b (easy install)

Fri Oct 01, 2021 11:36 am

oja en is android 11 one UI Core 3.1 mosschien is dat het probleem ?

‎oja and is android 11 one ui core 3.1 mosschien is that the problem ?‎

Re: TomTom Navigation_v1.9b (easy install)

Fri Oct 01, 2021 11:39 am

ok nog andere versie geprobeerd maar is langzaam en na opstarten gaat ie na 2 minuten weer uitschakelen dus die werkt ook niet.
wat nu ??

hopelijk weet er iemand oplossing want ik vind tomtom wel fijn
alvast bedankt voor meedenken :024:

‎ok tried another version but is slow and after startup it turns off again after 2 minutes so it doesn't work either. ‎
‎what now ?? hopefully someone knows a solution because ‎
‎i like tomtom thanks in advance for thinking along ‎
‎ ‎
‎ ‎

Re: TomTom Navigation_v1.9b (easy install)

Wed Oct 06, 2021 7:19 am

wel uiteindelijk toch wel aan de gang gekregen maar is heel traag bij opstarten en zoeken naar plaatsen enzo

‎eventually got going but is very slow to start up and search for places and stuff‎

Re: TomTom Navigation_v1.9b (easy install)

Tue Oct 12, 2021 12:06 pm

hallo op andere site oplossing gevonden heel simpel zowel V19b als kaarten op intern sd zetten en dus NIET op sd kaartje !
loopt nu als tierelier :lol:

bedankt voor de meedenkers ?

‎hello on other site solution found very simple both V19b and cards on internal sd put and therefore NOT on sd card ! ‎
‎is now running ‎:lol:‎ ‎
‎ ‎
‎as a rant thanks for the co-thinkers ?‎

Mod note: English only please!

Re: TomTom Navigation_v1.9b (easy install)

Wed Oct 27, 2021 12:52 pm

Nadoor Dunkelmann » do 11 mrt 2021 13:35

t wordt zeer gewaardeerd, maar ik heb een betere gevonden 1.9.6.

waardan ik kan hem niet vinden en deze is toch weer gestopt .


‎Nadoor Dunkelmann » Thu 11 Mar 2021‎

‎13:35 t is much appreciated, but I have found a better one 1.9.6. ‎
‎where then I can't find it and it has stopped ‎
‎again. ‎
‎ ‎

Mod note: English only please!

Re: TomTom Navigation_v1.9b (easy install)

Wed Oct 27, 2021 1:32 pm

13:35 t is much appreciated but I have found a better 1.9.6. , True
then i can't find it and it's stopped
again. regards
this one doesn't work again

Re: TomTom Navigation_v1.9b (easy install)

Thu Oct 28, 2021 8:22 am

helaas werkt deze versie niet voor android 11 . heeft iemand oplossing ? thanks

Re: TomTom Navigation_v1.9b (easy install)

Sun Nov 14, 2021 5:08 am

I downloaded and installed the apk. I then installed a map and started using the app, however the app keeps restarting on me. What did I do wrong ? Any help would be much appreciated. My phone is Samsung S21, Android 11.

Re: TomTom Navigation_v1.9b (easy install)

Tue Nov 16, 2021 12:23 am

qvttmtl wrote:I downloaded and installed the apk. I then installed a map and started using the app, however the app keeps restarting on me. What did I do wrong ? Any help would be much appreciated. My phone is Samsung S21, Android 11.

I found the solution. The issue of the app crashing every time I start a route is because of the installed computer voice Samantha. I deleted Samantha and downloaded a recorded voice (Jane) and voila the app does not crash anymore. I am super happy and would like to thank the original poster for providing the app.

Here is the link to the issue: [Please Register or Login to download file]

Re: TomTom Navigation_v1.9b (easy install)

Sat Nov 20, 2021 4:13 pm



Re: TomTom Navigation_v1.9b (easy install)

Mon Dec 06, 2021 10:29 am

Merci beaucoup, je vais l'essayer.

Re: TomTom Navigation_v1.9b (easy install)

Tue Dec 21, 2021 6:30 pm

Had the same problem, TomTom crashing everytime after calculating the route. I did Deleted the computer voice, updated the map, and reinstalled / downloaded the computer vice again, and everything worked again.

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