Android Sygic 16.0.10 Complete version March 2016   

Android Sygic 16.0.10 Complete version March 2016

Postby ch3ch2o6 » Sat Jan 30, 2016 2:44 pm


What's new
AB test - FRW autodetect country/normal FRW
Install app to SD card
Removed Tap to show Sygic notification
Activity to show AndroidID com.sygic. aura://device.code
POI category in POI detail's toolbar
gray bar is gone [trial expired]
traffic - openLR fixes
FSQ duplicates solved
fixed lagging quicksearch
dashboard can be open only from navi and browse mode
in recents are unique items
suggestion with search glass in search
search memmory optimization
Cancel route in Route overview
Higher GPS innacurance tolerance
cancel route crash fixed
rework of calls to server after start of app
please test clean installation to SD card and autodetect country in installation process. also please notice gps accuracy

With an old version
If you have a version 15.6.x, just update without uninstall.
You must also replace the file "version" in folder "Sygic".
For others versions, copy the folder "Sygic" also.

For maps nt.2015.09
Use for that the mapdownloader.
Don’t forget to replace the new file "".
Or change, inside the file, maps=TA:WORLD:2015.06 with maps=NT:WORLD:2015.09

- Intuitive voice navigation in different languages
- High quality TomTom maps stored on the device
- Cross-border routing & navigation without the need to switch between countries or to a less detailed map
- Works with GPS only, internet is not needed
- Millions of free pre-installed POIs
- Free map updates & Free POI database updates
- Free updates of Fixed speed cameras
- Head-up Display (HUD) available as in app purchase

- 3D Cities & Landscape for easy orientation
- Pedestrian navigation to walk and explore
- Dynamic Lane Guidance for safe lane changes
- Junction View to highlights highway exists
- Warnings for exceeded Speed Limit
- Warnings for fixed speedcams
- Police trap warnings from other drivers

- Spoken Street Names to focus on the road
- Three Alternative Routes to choose from
- Easy Drag & Drop route editing
- Waypoints for places you want to visit
- Avoid Toll Roads on your route
- Graphics optimized for tablet & HD displays
- Car Audio Integration – Bluetooth or cable

Add-on features (in-app purchase)
- Traffic service to avoid delays in your daily commute
- Get navigation instructions from Homer Simpson & other original celebrity voices
- Premium online speed cameras with 300 000 mobile speedcam locations each month
- Head Up Display (HUD) projects GPS navigation onto your windshield

Maps available for free :
Algeria, Andorra, Angola, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Belgium, Benin, Botswana, Brazil, Brunei, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Canada, Canary Islands, Colombia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Democratic Republic of Congo, Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Gabon, Germany, Ghana, Gibraltar, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Chile, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Italy, Israel, India, Kenya, Kuwait, Latvia, Lesotho, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macau, Malawi, Malaysia, Mali, Malta, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mayotte, Mexico, Monaco, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Niger, Nigeria, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Republic of Congo, Reunion, Romania, Russia, San Marino, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Swaziland, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Tanzania, Thailand, Togo, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Uruguay, USA, Vatican, Vietnam, Venezuela, Zambia, Zimbabwe, India, Saint-Barthelemy, Guadeloupe, French Guiana, Saint Martin, Martinique, Iceland, Lebanon, Jordan, Burundi, Rwanda
Transit roads only : Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Moldova


First installation. How to install it :
See the paragraph Maps if you want to download the maps before, because, there is no maps inside the folder Sygic.
To gain some place, you can erase some voices in Sygic/Res/voices.
1. Copy the folder "Sygic", then in USB mode, paste it in root of intern memory of phone or tablet.
If you have an old version, just overwrite the folder. Sometimes, you must only replace the file "version" in folder "Sygic".
2. Very important : cut internet (3G, 4G, Wifi).
3. Install "Sygic 16.0.0.apk" and open it.
(If you have an old version, just overwrite the apk. Sometimes you must uninstall it.)
4. Do what is written but don’t put any email.
5. Maybe you are in English. Don’t worry !
- On top, left, click on the 3 little lines.
- Never open "Sign In" (Inscription) and "Sygic Store".
- Click on "Settings", go to "Regional" and open "Language".
Choose good language for you and return.
- Go to "Voice and notifications" and open "Voice".
Choose good voice for you and return.
6. Close the application.
7. Open internet (3G, 4G, Wifi).
8. Open the application and verify that all is ok.

To have the folder in the extcard :
1. In USB mode, cut the folder "Sygic" and paste it in the root of the extcard.
2. Open application.
- Before android 4.4.2, all is good, you can download the maps (see below).
- After android 4.4.2, you have a message "It is not possible etc".
The folder is copied (not cuted) in "Android/data/com.sygic.aura/files/Sygic".
After that, you can download the maps (see below).

Maps :
1. With this version, you can’t download directly maps from the application.
2. Maybe, you can install free version from Google Play to download the maps first.
- On top, left, click on the 3 little lines.
- Click on "Settings", go to "Map" and open "Manage Maps".
Choose maps and download them.
Then install the patched version over the free version.
You can also download maps with "sgcmapdownloader14.exe" in Mapdownloader 15.6.6 (20 12 2015) (on top).
The maps are from TomTom (ta = teleatlas), date = 2015.06.
After downloading, in USB mode you can copy the maps in the good folder "Sygic" "Maps".
The exact localization is depending of the version of android and of the choice of internal or external memory.
3. The others maps are from Navteq (nt), date = 2015.09.
You can only download maps with "sgcmapdownloader14.exe" (on bottom in "Truck").
After downloading, in USB mode you can copy the maps in the good folder "Sygic" "Maps".
But you must erase the maps from TomTom !
And then, change the "" :
- Copy to have a new file.
- Open it with the bloc-notes or WordPad.
- Replace the line "maps=TA:WORLD:2015.06"
With "maps=NT:WORLD:2015.09,NT:NAMERICA:2014.12,NT:MEX:2014.12,"
- Save and exit.
- Copy the file, then paste it in "Sygic" "Maps" to replace the other one.
3. You can also download maps with "Mapdownloader (18.12.2015).exe".
4. If you have a reaction with the antivirus, don’t worry : it’s a false reaction (nothing bad in the mapdownloaders). I can proove it.

TTS voices (good quality) :
1. To have TTS voices, use "sgcmapdownloader14.exe"
- Open "LoquendoTTS".
- Click on "Base TTS files".
- Click on choosed voices, then download on PC.
2. Copy the folder "LoquendoTTS", then in USB mode, paste it in root of intern memory of phone or tablet.
3. Open the application, click on "Settings", go to "Voice and notifications" and open "Voice".
Choose good voice for you and return.

Buildings :
1. Use the "Mapdownloader (18.12.2015).exe" (more detailed than the files of TomTom or HERE maps).
2. Put *.2dc is map file in Sygic/Maps/YourCountryFolder

Speedcams (when all is ok) :
1. To have speedcams, open the folder "Speedcams Europe 16.01.2016", then copy the files of the folders of countries in a folder "import".
2. In USB mode, open "Sygic" "Maps" and paste the folder "import" in it.
3. Nothing to do after, Sygic incorporates the speedcams automatically.
Last edited by ch3ch2o6 on Sat Mar 19, 2016 6:15 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Android Sygic 16.0.0 Complete version (29 January 2016)

Postby lindenbaum29 » Sun Jan 31, 2016 10:57 am

thank you
how to proceed with downloader map ??? windows 7 or 10? I do not download.
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Re: Android Sygic 16.0.0 Complete version (29 January 2016)

Postby ch3ch2o6 » Sun Jan 31, 2016 6:18 pm

The 2 mapdownloaders are going well on Seven.

To try, download maps of TomTom, from a little land : Monaco

With the Mapdownloader (18.12.2015), just double click on it.
On the window, after Select an option, write 1 and enter.
Then, after Select an option, write 1 and enter.
Then, after Select an option, write 29 and enter.
You have a folder TomTom in the same folder than the Mapdownloader (18.12.2015), open it, you have the maps inside.

With the Mapdownloader 15.6.6 (20 12 2015), just double click on sgcmapdownloader14.exe.
Open Europe, select Monaco. You must choose the folder to download the maps and OK.
You have a folder Sygic. Inside you have the maps.
ch3ch2o6 offline

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Re: Android Sygic 16.0.0 Complete version (29 January 2016)

Postby yurikokolev » Sat Mar 05, 2016 3:12 pm

i managed to download the maps using sgcmapdownloader on win10, i just needed to use run as administrator option
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